Friday, January 17, 2020

Human Interaction in the Sahara Desert Essay

Human Interactions Over the past years the Sahara desert has changed as a result of human interactions. Such as tourism, mining for oil, military testings, nuclear bombings and pollution. Deserti? cation is one of the many negative human interactions in the Sahara Desert. Deserti? cation is caused by climatic changes, over-grazing, deforestation for fuel or materials, droughts and ploughing the land for agriculture, these all led to the soil eroding away leaving the unprotected layer drying out in the sun making it unsuitable for vegetation to grow. Some effects of deserti? ation are endangered species, poverty and starvation of the communities that live there, these all occur due to lack of vegetation and limited amounts of water. †¢ Tribes such as the Tuareg and Bedouin Tribes live in the Sahara Desert and herd cattle. †¢ People using the Sahara Desert’s sand to make houses. Human Impact on the Sahara Desert The human impacts are things like oil rigs, oversizing cattle, and military training. These things are negative impacts. Things we could do to stop this is close down the oil rigs, move military training camps, and just not have as much cattle. The event is protest the oil rigs, transport cattle, and create new training camps. Human Interaction Tribes of the Desert/People who make it their home enforce the positives of a conservative cohabitation with the environment. The tribes, Tuareg and the Bedouin coexist with the beautiful sandy land. Instead of building houses with bricks and metal, they use the surrounding materials like sand, wood, straw etc. to build their houses. They conserve the land and try not to interfere with the land. The local tribes, Tuareg and the Bedouin conserve the land and try not to interfere with it, using surrounding materials to build their homes Negative Human Interaction Agriculture has become a great issue in the Sahara Desert. Prior to: †¢ irrigation farming and commercial cattle grazing †¢ the removal of the topsoil Resulting in: †¢ the ground not being suitable for vegetation to grow †¢ animal species are decreasing due to their homes being destructed †¢ less water and food sources for the animals and local communities. Nuclear tests, oil re? ing, power houses and solar energy are a great threat to the Sahara Desert. †¢ Military purposed bombings have bombed up vast areas of the plain Desert Resulting in: †¢ the top layer of the soil to be destroyed †¢ less areas in the Desert for the ? ora and fauna to co-exist peacefully. Nowadays a lot of tourists like to travel the world, especially to visit the Deserts †¢ camping, †¢ hiking, à ¢â‚¬ ¢ camel riding †¢ photography purposes. These all effect the ecosystem in the desert. What can we do to prevent it. We as humans have the power to stop this all from happening. When we travel to the Sahara Desert we can admire the beauty of the nature around us and not pollute so much. We can stop the nuclear bomb testings, or at least limit them so that we only test once every second decade. We can stop commercial agriculture in the desert and try to preserve the rich soil so grass and produce can grow for the animals in the desert. We can limit the camping ground areas, so that there are less spaces available for the campers to stay. We can educate younger people living in the desert who live in poverty and are not limited. Population and tourism control

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